San Juan often suffers damage from various hurricanes which are frequent in the Caribbean Region, and this certainly damages the economy and the life of the local residents.Home Earth Continents The Americas Puerto Rico Country Profile Google Earth Puerto Rico Map Located on a beautiful natural setting, right near a few beautiful harbors and lagoons, the city is a center of the country's social and cultural life, with many interesting museums, galleries, libraries, universities and other educational establishments, parks, amusement areas, restaurants and nightclubs, shopping centers and markets which are usually filled with customers. That's because the city provides excellent living conditions and varied job opportunities for everyone. The city and its municipal area are really large and it is estimated that almost three out of four people of the country live or work in San Juan municipal area. It is a key resort and tourism center, with a lot of attractions, including local museums, galleries, restaurants, parks, hotels, beaches, etc. It is also a large financial, business and cultural center of the country. San Juan is one of the oldest capital cities of the whole North American continent. Located on the shores of the North Atlantic Ocean, the city is a key part of the region and its name comes from the name of Satin John who is considered to be the guard of the city. It is an old settlement which was founded by some groups of settlers from European countries like Portugal and Spain in the early 16th century, right during the early times of the exploration of the newly discovered continent.

San Juan is the largest city and the capital of Puerto Rico, located in the north eastern part of the country.